[General] author = "Cerapter" doc = "https://link.com/stuff&things=yes" cmdoc = "https://secret.com/verysecret" status = "casing" [A] name = "Introduction" description = "If you are using the Case Café Custom Client, you may have noticed that you have a 'cases' folder in your 'base' folder now. If not, do `/load_case` in the OOC -- it'll make it for you.\n\nInside, you can find, or put, INI files that supply case details. You can then load these with `/load_case` to effortlessly fill out all the necessities for a case." image = "Paper/letter.png" [B] name = "General" description = "Look inside one of the INI files. You should see it divided into categories, the first one being [General].\n\n[General] details most of the basics regarding the case. For example:\n- 'author' tells you who made the case.\n- 'doc' automatically adds the doc link.\n- 'cmdoc' tells the person who loaded the case the link to the CM doc.\n- 'status' automatically changes the status.\n\nNone of these are mandatory." image = "Paper/letter.png" [C] name = "Evidence" description = "Besides [General], every other category represents a piece of evidence. Evidence are loaded in alphabetical number, so make sure you name your categories cleverly if you care about their order. This file uses A-B-C to name the categories, the supplied Puppet Turnabout uses 01-02-03-...\n\nAn evidence should have these properties:\n- 'name' gives you the evidence's name.\n- 'description' is the long text when you click on the piece of evidence.\n- 'image' is a filepath, starting from 'base/evidence/', to the picture of the evidence, extension included." image = "Paper/letter.png"