god fucking damn it you stupid useless bitch how can you be helping anyone if the only thing you ever do is be possessed for some fucking reason because haha bezella amirite but you're actually not bezella you're just batshit insane because there is absolutely no reason some pussy like you can cast some flames like it's nothing like haha why would you need a fucking talea to cast ignaize and all that shit and you keep spouting as if you're the great witch but you use talea for whatever fucking reason other than to make yourself look like some sort of victim like what the fuck, why do i even rip you, like you have holes in you as big as the plot holes in plvsaa like i don't even know why some faggots decided making everyone live in the medieval age and having witch trials like its fucking dark age or some shit was a good fucking idea and having this forced bullshit of a fucking layton ending thats somehow even worse than any fucking layton ending just because some faggot decided to ding dong the bannu bell and ban everyone from the labyrinthia city and then somehow you manage to teleport these two fucking faggots and their shithead assistants and they somehow fucking manage to solve every goddamn mystery except the plot holes that they left behind like why