Spoiler emotes have not been included by default within this character. They should be within a few subfolders. If your version of the character came with spoilers included in the base of the folder, please note that this wasn't the intention. By default, you will not be able to see or use spoiler emotes. You can find all of the spoiler emotes in the following folder path: SPOILER#EMOTES > SERIOUSLY#ARE#YOU#SURE > Spoiler Emotes, Replace the Ones in Base As the last folder instructs, to use and see the spoiler emotes, you must copy them from that folder into the base "Kokichi Oma" folder. Otherwise, they cannot be used or seen. This is to prevent people from spoiling the game for people who may not have seen it. If you plan to give these files out, please give out the folder in it's original form WITHOUT THE SPOILER EMOTES IN THE FRONT. Thank you.