#Ini for the courtroom design of Attorney Online HD Theme /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #The main stuff courtroom = 0, 0, 1918, 982 viewport = 447, 0, 1024, 768 ao2_chatbox = 447, 568, 1024, 184 showname = 174, 0, 184, 36 showname_align = center showname_extra_width = 10 message = 164, 43, 600, 135 chat_arrow = 929, 134, 40, 40 #IC stuff ic_chatlog = 0, 0, 447, 762 ao2_ic_chat_name = 447, 766, 118, 21 ao2_ic_chat_message = 567, 766, 901, 21 #OOC stuff ms_chatlog = 1471, 3, 447, 410 server_chatlog = 1471, 3, 447, 410 ooc_chat_name = 1471, 417, 88, 19 ooc_chat_message = 1562, 417, 265, 19 ooc_toggle = 1826, 416, 92, 21 casing_button = 11037, 308, 95, 21 #Area/Music stuff area_list = 1471, 457, 447, 323 music_list = 1471, 457, 447, 323 switch_area_music = 1810, 891, 32, 32 music_list_indent = 11 area_password = 272, 471, 224, 23 music_search = 1471, 436, 296, 21 #Pairing stuff pair_button = 1810, 928, 50, 50 pair_list = 1474, 3, 444, 411 pair_offset_spinbox = 1817, 24, 100, 22 pair_vert_offset_spinbox = 1817, 47, 100, 22 pair_order_dropdown = 1817, 1, 100, 22 #Mute stuff mute_button = 1864, 928, 50, 50 mute_list = 1474, 3, 444, 411 #Emote buttons- determines how many columns and rows of buttons each page displays. 49, 49 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, and having either number lower than 49 crashes the client. If you want more columns and rows, change it to 49X, 49Y emotes = 620, 795, 1040, 180 emote_button_spacing = 2, 2 emote_button_size = 47, 47 emote_left = 1657, 846, 34, 34 emote_right = 1657, 800, 34, 34 #Dropdown stuff iniswap_dropdown = 33, 804, 130, 20 iniswap_remove = 5, 804, 20, 20 emote_dropdown = 166, 804, 135, 20 text_color = 304, 804, 100, 20 sfx_dropdown = 33, 828, 191, 20 sfx_remove = 5, 826, 20, 20 effects_dropdown = 228, 828, 110, 20 effects_icon_size = 16, 16 pos_dropdown = 342, 828, 40, 20 pos_remove = 385, 828, 20, 20 #Interjections hold_it = 450, 795, 162, 28 objection = 450, 827, 163, 28 take_that = 450, 859, 163, 28 custom_objection = 450, 891, 163, 28 #Other stuff change_character = 1660, 883, 144, 29 reload_theme = 1660, 916, 144, 29 call_mod = 1660, 949, 144, 29 settings = 107, 908, 88, 67 realization = 33, 852, 50, 50 screenshake = 33, 906, 50, 50 #Checkboxes flip = 455, 960, 36, 21 additive = 504, 960, 60, 21 showname_enable = 580, 960, 78, 21 pre = 666, 960, 59, 21 pre_no_interrupt = 733, 960, 80, 21 casing = 821, 960, 53, 21 guard = 882, 960, 81, 21 ; The scrolling music name display music_display = 5, 774, 435, 26 ; WARNING: music_name x/y coordinates relative to music_display! music_name = 0, 0, 415, 26 #Sound stuff music_label = 11037, 890, 0, 0 sfx_label = 11037, 920, 0, 0 blip_label = 11037, 950, 0, 0 music_slider = 221, 901, 143, 12 sfx_slider = 221, 931, 143, 12 blip_slider = 221, 961, 143, 12 # Evidence stuff evidence_button = 450, 923, 163, 28 evidence_save = 594, 15, 75, 75 evidence_load = 671, 15, 75, 75 evidence_transfer = 748, 15, 75, 75 evidence_switch = 825, 15, 75, 75 evidence_delete = 874, 386, 144, 29 evidence_image_name = 11037, 11037, 109, 20 evidence_image_button = 40, 384, 80, 20 evidence_background = 447, 0, 1024, 768 evidence_name = 240, 171,526, 45 evidence_buttons = 70, 431, 890, 100 evidence_button_size = 87, 87 evidence_button_spacing = 2, 2 evidence_overlay = 0, 0, 1024, 768 evidence_ok = 10, 380, 30, 30 evidence_x = 118, 380, 30, 30 evidence_description = 201, 255, 629, 135 evidence_left = 11, 451, 47, 47 evidence_right = 967, 451, 47, 47 evidence_present = 879, 529, 144, 29 left_evidence_icon = 97, 126, 200, 200 right_evidence_icon = 703, 126, 200, 200 # Character selection stuff char_select = 0, 0, 1918, 982 back_to_lobby = 396, 48, 131, 23 spectator = 543, 48, 120, 23 char_buttons = 396, 192, 1440, 750 char_buttons_size = 70,70 char_select_left = 327, 491, 55, 55 char_select_right = 1848, 491, 55, 55 char_list = 0, 0, 314, 992 char_button_spacing = 9, 9 char_search = 1481, 48, 163, 22 char_taken = 1481, 72, 127, 22 char_password = 1672, 48, 163, 22 char_passworded = 1672, 72, 127, 22 # Judge stuff witness_testimony = 171, 854, 40, 40 cross_examination = 215, 854, 40, 40 not_guilty = 259, 854, 40, 40 guilty = 303, 854, 40, 40 #Defense Penalty stuff defense_bar = 1316, 15, 141, 23 defense_plus = 147, 854, 20, 20 defense_minus = 147, 876, 20, 20 #Prosecution Penalty stuff prosecution_bar = 1316, 45, 141, 23 prosecution_plus = 347, 854, 20, 20 prosecution_minus = 347, 876, 20, 20 # timers # universal clock_0 = 1791, 817, 71, 17 clock_0_align = center; # def clock_1 = 1747, 838, 71, 17 clock_1_align = center; # def2 clock_3 = 1747, 859, 71, 17 clock_3_align = center; # pro clock_2 = 1835, 838, 71, 17 clock_2_align = center; # pro2 clock_4 = 1835, 859, 71, 17 clock_4_align = center; #Theme Colors area_free_color = 50, 140, 189 area_lfp_color = 112, 112, 112 area_casing_color = 255, 113, 49 area_recess_color = 175, 128, 76 area_rp_color = 164, 0, 186 area_gaming_color = 84, 94, 140 area_locked_color = 172, 37, 49 found_song_color = 50, 140, 189 missing_song_color = 172, 37, 49 ooc_default_color = 0, 0, 0 ooc_server_color = 210, 210, 0 ///The AOHD Theme Library was created by Jouto#6149. DM me if you have any questions about the theme.